Bob Dancer
View phone numbers, addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for Bob Dancer. Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory. Bob Dancer is the best known video poker player and writer in the country today. Six years after initiating his career as a professional gambler in 1994 with a $6,000 bankroll and a strong desire to win, Dancer and his wife Shirley won more than $1 million during a six.
- Bob Dancer is America’s premier video poker authority. His booklets Video Poker Reports: Deuces Wild, 9/6 Jacks or Better, and 10/7 Double Bonus are considered the most accurate strategies ever devised for these games. Bob Dancer Presents WinPoker is the premier computer trainer for video poker. It requires Windows 95 or newer, and has 15 of.
- Bob Dancer is the premier video poker writer and teacher in the world. He has created a number of how-to-win products available at He co-hosts a weekly radio show called Gambling with an Edge, which is also archived on his website.
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Bob Dancer Video Poker Download
Bob Dancer is the author of Million Dollar Video Poker, and Video Poker for Winners! software. Bob is the world’s foremost video poker expert and a regular columnist for Casino Player, Strictly Slots, and the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Tens of thousands of casino enthusiasts look to Bob Dancer for advice about playing their favorite gambling game. His Video Poker Strategy Cards, Winners Guides, videos, and software are the best-selling video poker tutorials of all time-–making Bob Dancer the most sought-after source of video poker advice in the country. When he’s not chasing jackpots, Bob can be found teaching video poker strategy to standing-room-only crowds in casinos around the country.
- Bob is the best known video poker player and writer in the country today.
- He has won more than $1 million during a six-month period.
- Best known teacher of video poker having given classes at several casinos.
Bob Dancer Classes
He can teach you how to:
Bob Dancer Winpoker
- Accumulate and manage a bankroll
- Evaluate promotions
- Cope with losing (and winning) streaks
- Negotiate with the casinos,
- Find and exploit the good opportunities
- Get the comps that are coming to you
- Take a pot shot on a big game
- Plus much much more.