Can You Bet On Both Teams To Win

Can You Bet On Both Teams To Win 5,6/10 2294 votes

The “both teams to score” wager is a relatively recent addition to the soccer betting markets.
Often abbreviated to BTTS, it has continued to grow in popularity sine its creation. In fact, it’s
become one of the most commonly placed wagers by those who bet on soccer. This is at least partly
because of its sheer simplicity. Most bettors prefer the simple wagers, especially those who bet
primarily for fun.

We really like the BTTS wager ourselves. Not just for its simplicity though. What attracts us
most to this wager is that it’s one of the easiest wagers to get right. We’ve had a lot of success
with it, and with significantly less effort than we have to put into some of our betting. Although
it’s never easy to win any type of wager on a consistent basis, backing both teams to score in
soccer games is definitely one of the least challenging ways to make money.

  • BTTS (standing for B oth T eams T o S core) & Win is a bet comprising of two main criteria: Both teams must score at least one goal each and you select the team that wins. We actually provide football predictions based on BTTS & Match Result which means that we also include BTTS and Draw (e.g.
  • If there is a strong favorite in the match in which you expect both teams to score, then it is quite possible that the game will end with 3-1. Or if the teams have similar odds to win, then you can do a back bet on 2-2. As the 3-1 and 2-2 odds are usually between 15-20, you can place a small 4-5 euro bet on the most realistic scoreline.

Bet AGAINST both teams scoring When you believe that both teams are going to score at least one goal in a game, you go with option one. If both teams do score, you win and are paid out at the relevant odds. If neither team scores, or only one team scores, you lose.

The BTTS wager is widely available at bookmakers and betting sites. The majority of them offer
it on virtually all professional soccer games. This means there’s plenty of opportunities for
making money with this wager yourself. You just need to learn how to use it effectively. And we
can help with that.

On this page we’ve provided a brief explanation of how the BTTS wager works. If you’re not familiar
with backing both teams to score, you’ll need to read this before getting started. We’ve then offered
some strategy advice, outlining the best scenarios for using the BTTS wager. We explain when to back
both teams to score, and when to back against both teams scoring. Finally, we offer a few basic tips
for using this wager.

Both Teams to Score Explained

We’ve already mentioned how simple the BTTS wager is. So this explanation won’t take very long at all.
It really is one of the most straightforward ways to bet on soccer games. You always have just two options,
and these are as follows.

  1. Bet ON both teams scoring
  2. Bet AGAINST both teams scoring

When you believe that both teams are going to score at least one goal in a game, you go with option one.
If both teams do score, you win and are paid out at the relevant odds. If neither team scores, or only one
team scores, you lose.

When you believe that both teams won’t score, you go with option two. If neither team scores, or only
one team scores, you win. If both teams score, you lose.

Let’s use an example to illustrate exactly how this wager works. There’s an upcoming cup game taking
place between Hull City and Arsenal, and a bookmaker is offering the following BTTS market.


You’ll notice that the odds for both possible outcomes are the same. This is quite common.
It simply means that the bookmaker believes that the odds of both teams scoring or not scoring
are exactly the same. In games where a bookmaker believes one outcome is more likely than the
other, the odds might be different.

For this game, we think that both teams ARE likely to score. So we place a wager on “yes.”
The following are some example score lines that represent a sweet victory for us.

As you can see, in each instance both teams have scored at least one goal. The following are some example score lines that would represent a loss for us.

In each of these score lines, at least one of the teams has failed to score.

That’s really all there is to the BTTS wager. We did say it was simple! All you have to do is decide whether or not you think both teams will put the ball in the back of net.

There are a couple of slight variations of this wager too. For example, some bookmakers will allow you to bet on whether both teams will score in the first half or in the second half. We typically avoid these variations. The odds are a little better, but it becomes much harder to make accurate predictions. You have to start thinking about how the teams will approach each half from a tactical point of view, and that’s just an unnecessary complication.

There’s another variation that we do like though. Most bookmakers allow you to combine a bet on who will win the game with one on whether both teams will score. For example, a bookmaker might offer the following market on the game we referenced earlier.


The odds are significantly higher here, for obvious reasons. We need to make two correct predictions to win, instead of just one. We’ve got to pick who will win the game AND decide whether or not both teams will score. Please note that the market we’ve showed here is for a team to win and both teams to score, but bookmakers will also allow you to bet on a team to win and both teams NOT to score.

You should probably ignore these combination markets when you first start backing both teams to score. They’re definitely worth considering once you’ve got a bit of experience with BTTS wagers though. Especially if you’re good at getting them right!

The next thing to consider is how to use this wager effectively. So we’ve now got some strategy advice on when to back both teams to score, and when to back against both teams scoring.

When to Back Both Teams to Score

There’s no specific system to follow when deciding whether to back both teams to score or not. We can recommend a good general approach to take though. We suggest that the first step is to analyze any upcoming games to see if there are any that stand out as being likely to represent a good opportunity. Then you should assess the two teams involved in each game that you identify. You should also assess any other relevant factors that might have an impact, such as the circumstances surrounding a game.

This process should enable you to establish an estimated likelihood of both teams scoring. Then you can compare that likelihood to the odds available, and see if there is any value in placing a wager. If there IS some value to be had, you should go ahead and get your money down.

Personal judgement is the key here really, so we can’t offer a great deal of advice about EXACTLY when you should back both teams to score. What we can do, though, is highlight a few scenarios when it’s often the logical choice to make. Please look at the list we provided below.

  1. When both teams need a win
  2. When two strong attacking teams are playing
  3. When two defensively weak teams are playing
  4. Derby games

It’s important to note that we’re not suggesting you should ALWAYS back both teams to score in these scenarios. But we’ve found that, as a general rule, both teams are more likely to score than not in these circumstances. So it’s good to look out for such scenarios and then assess the relevant games individually.

Here’s some more detail on each one of these scenarios.

Both teams needing a win

You could be forgiven for assuming that teams always set out to win when playing a soccer game. But that’s not actually the case. Teams often play for a draw, especially when playing significantly stronger opponents. In some cases, they may even be resigned to losing and set out simply to keep the margin of defeat down.

Can You Bet On Both Teams To Win

It’s not worth even thinking about backing both teams to score in these types of circumstances. It’s a pretty unlikely outcome if one team isn’t particularly aiming to win the game.

However, there are some games when it’s obvious that both teams are going to be going all out for the win. If it’s towards the end of the league season, for example, and they need the win to stay in contention for the title or to avoid relegation. Or if it’s a game in an elimination tournament. These types of games are usually great spots to look at when backing both teams to score, for one simple reason.

Teams needing to win are likely to concentrate more on scoring than staying defensive.

This is entirely logical, right? If a team HAS to win, they can’t afford to sit back and defend. They’ve got to score to get the result they need. So they’re going to focus on pushing forward and trying to get goals. And if both teams are playing like this, then there’s a very good chance that they’re both going to score.

Two strong attcking teams

Some soccer teams are very balanced. They have equal quality in defense and attack, and they play a balanced style that makes the most of their strengths throughout the team. Other teams are less balanced, with most of their quality in one specific area. Their style of play will usually look to make the most of their strengths in that area.

So if a team is especially strong in attack, they’re going to play in a way that makes the most of their attacking quality. They’ll look to get forward as often as possible, and create as many goal scoring opportunities they can. They’ll take the risk of conceding goals, trying to simply to outscore their opponents.

If both teams in a game are strong in attack, and likely to play to their strengths, then the chances are very high that both teams will score.

Two defensive weak teams

Good defenses prevent goals from being scored. It’s that simple. Even the best defenses can still concede, of course, but they know how to make it difficult for their opposition. Weak defenses, on the other hand, are always likely to concede. And some teams do have weak defenses, even at the very top level of the sport.

Games featuring two teams with weak defenses are obviously good spots to back both teams to score. The lack of quality in the defensive areas should ensure that goals are likely.

Derby games

This scenario is a little less clear-cut than the others outlined so far. There will often be times when there are very good reasons NOT to back both teams to score in a derby game, so you need to be wary of them.

However, as a general rule, derby games do tend to be high scoring games. They’re played with an extra level of passion, and both teams are usually going flat out to win. This often leads to the teams focusing far more on attack than defense. It also leads to mistakes, as the players can lose their concentration and professionalism as the passion takes hold of them. These two things combined frequently result in lots of goals.

To illustrate this, here are the last ten year’s results from one of the most intense rivalry games in soccer. The North London derby is ALWAYS a passionate affair, to say the least.

Arsena V TottenhamTottenham V Arsenal
3 – 02 – 2
2 – 11 – 3
4 – 40 – 0
3 – 02 – 1
2 – 33 – 3
5 – 22 – 1
5 – 22 – 1
1 – 00 – 1
1 – 12 – 1
1 – 12 – 2

As you can see, both teams scored in 15 of these 20 games. That’s a fair sample size, and clearly both teams score far more often than not. So, statistically, it makes a lot of sense to bet on both teams scoring in this fixture. The same applies to most other derby games too.

When to Bet Against Both Teams Scoring

Betting against both teams scoring should be approached in the same way as backing both teams to score. You should first look to find suitable games, do the necessary analysis, and then compare your assessments with the available odds. It’s only when you find value that you put your money down.

There are also some broad scenarios when betting against both teams scoring is the right thing to do. Here are three spots that we recommend paying especially close attention to.

  1. When one or both of the teams are defensively strong
  2. When one or both of the teams are weak in attack
  3. If one team is likely to set up for a draw

Again, we’re not suggesting that you automatically bet against both teams in scoring in these scenarios. They’re simply good spots to look out for. Here’s why.

Defensively strong team(s)

The principle here is essentially the same as two strong attacking teams, but in reverse. Whereas teams that are especially strong in attack will focus on getting forward and creating opportunities, teams that are especially strong in defense tend to focus on keeping things tight as a priority. They rely on their defensive strength to frustrate their opposition, and generally create only a few goal scoring opportunities for themselves.

When both teams in a game are playing in this way, goals are naturally in short supply. So backing against both teams scoring is usually the logical way to go.

Team(s) weak in attack

Unsurprisingly, teams with weak attacks don’t tend to score many goals. This is partly due to their low supply of offensive talent, but also because of the way they tend to play. When a team has attacking deficiencies, they’ll generally implement a more defensive style. If they can’t score many goals, they have to make their opponents score even less.

When two such teams meet in a game, we obviously don’t expect many goals. A goalless draw is the most likely outcome, with perhaps one side stealing a 1-0 win. Either way, it’s unlikely that both teams will get on the scoresheet. Backing against them both scoring is therefore the sensible option.

One team setting up for a draw

We wrote earlier about how both teams needing to win often leads to high scoring games. Well this scenario is kind of the opposite of that. When one of the teams in a game sets up specifically to try to earn a draw, we can usually expect to see very few goals. If any. The team playing for the draw will play defensively, as their goal is to prevent their opponents from scoring. Their whole game plan will be devised not to concede a goal, even if that means not scoring themselves.

As such, games where a team is likely to set up for a draw typically represent good opportunities for betting against both teams scoring. That team isn’t going to put much effort into getting goals themselves, and they’re going to do everything they can to prevent their opponents from scoring too.

Basic BTTS Tips

To finish up this article, we’ve provided some general tips for using the BTTS wager. These are all very straightforward, but valuable nonetheless. Try to follow these tips at all times if you can, especially the first three.

  1. Don’t bet on every game
  2. Compare available odds
  3. Consider the key factors
  4. Try small BTTS accumulators

Let’s explore these tips in a little more detail.

Don’t bet on every game

We mentioned at the start of this article that bookmakers and betting sites offer the BTTS wager on most soccer games. Please don’t use this as an excuse for betting on every game though. As with any other type of wager, you should only place a BTTS wager when you’ve identified a good reason to do so.

The simplicity of betting on both teams to score often tempts people to do so on far too many games than they should. This is WRONG! Betting too frequently will almost always prove costly over time. It also makes it harder to do the necessary work, as there’s only so many hours in a day. You simply won’t have the time to analyze each game properly if you’re betting on lots of games.

Placing just a few wagers is a much better approach. Look for the best opportunities, and give yourself the time you need to try to make accurate predictions.

Compare available odds

This tip applies to all forms of sports betting. The odds for any individual wager can vary between different bookmakers and betting sites, and it’s in your best interests to always go with the best odds. This means spending a little extra time comparing what’s available before putting any money down.

Although this can get a little boring, it WILL prove to be time well spent. You’ll maximize your returns on every winning wager that you place, and doing that can make a big difference to your overall results.

The easiest way to do this effectively is to open accounts with a few reputable betting sites, and then check the odds at each one whenever you’re betting. Just make sure that you only use reputable sites, such as the ones on our list of recommendations.

Consider the key factors

We wrote earlier about the need to properly assess a game before deciding whether to back both teams to score or not. We explained how this means looking at both teams involved, and other factors that might prove relevant too. If you’re not sure what you should be looking for, here’s a list of the main factors that we recommend taking into account.

  • Strength of each team’s attack
  • Strength of each team’s defense
  • Current form
  • Motivation
  • Playing Styles
  • Weather

The first two points here are perhaps obvious. It’s clear that the likelihood of goals being scored is always going to be affected by the quality each team has in attack and defense. Strong attacks and weak defenses tend to mean goals will be scored. Weak attacks and strong defenses, on the other hand, tend to represent the opposite.

The other points aren’t so obvious though: not to most people, at least. However, they can have just as big an impact on how many goals are scored in a game, so you really need to take these into account too. For more information on their impact, you should read our article explaining what influences the outcome of soccer games.

Try small BTTS accumulators

This isn’t something you should do for the sake it. But, in the right circumstances, it’s worth considering. When you’re confident in two or more predictions, there’s a strong case for combining multiple BTTS wagers into an accumulator. Just be sure to keep the number of selections reasonably low. Including two to four selections is fine, even five if you’re really confident, but more than that and you’re making it very hard to win.

A lot of betting sites offer enhanced odds and additional bonuses for including a larger number of selections, but try not to be tempted by this. They do it for a reason. The more selections you include, the greater the chances are of one of them losing.


The both teams to score wager is one that you should definitely be looking at. It’s beautifully simple, and there are regular opportunities where it’s a good wager to place. Consistent profits are possible with a sensible approach, even if you’re not a soccer betting expert. That’s not to say it’s easy to get BTTS wagers right, but they’re certainly easier than many others.

Just remember to follow the tips on this page. You still need to put some thought into your decisions when placing these wagers. Make sure that you carefully consider the likelihood of both teams scoring, rather than just guessing. It’s especially important to be selective in terms of which games you bet on too. Resist the temptation to bet on every single game, and try to only bet when you find true value.

  • Looking For Some Both Teams to Score & Win Tips Today?

  • Match Result and BTTS win accas usually have high returns

  • Make sure to take advantage of free bets offers located under the tips and predictions

Looking for advice on placing a BTTS & Win acca? We provide daily Match result and both teams to score tips – and here’s our guide to the best way to go about placing your bet today.

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 9th March:

Jong PSV v Dordrecht – Home win & BTTS @ 2.62

Sparta Prague v Pribram – Home win & BTTS @ 3.10

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 8th March:

Jong AZ v NAC Breda – Away win & BTTS @ 2.87 – WON

Inter v Atalanta – Home win & BTTS @ 3.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 7th March: 6.00 DOUBLE WON!

Salzburg v St. Polten – Home win & BTTS @ 2.30 – WON

Fortuna Sittard v PSV – Away win & BTTS @ 2.62 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 6th March:

Bayern Munich v Borussia Dortmund – Home win & BTTS @ 2.40 – WON

Feyenoord v VVV Venlo – Home win & BTTS @ 2.37 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 5th March:

Skive v Viborg – Away win & BTTS @ 3.10 – LOST

Lierse v Union St. Gilloise – Away win & BTTS @ 2.62 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 4th March:

Parma v Inter – Away win & BTTS @ 2.87 – WON

Benfica v Estoril – Home win & BTTS @ 3.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 3rd March:

Heerenveen v Ajax – Away win & BTTS @ 2.40 – LOST

Basel v Young Boys – Away win & BTTS @ 2.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 2nd March:

Vitesse v VVV Venlo – Home win & BTTS @ 2.75 – LOST

NEC Nijmegen v Den Bosch – Home win & BTTS @ 2.75 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 1st March:

NAC Breda v Oss – Home win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

GAIS v Malmo – Away win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 28th February:

Inter v Genoa – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

Luzern v Young Boys – Away win & BTTS @ 3.40 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 27th February:

Bayern Munich v Koln – Home win & BTTS @ 2.50 – WON

Borussia Dortmund v Arminia Bielefeld – Home win & BTTS @ 2.60 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 26th February:

De Graafschap v Jong AZ – Home win & BTTS @ 2.30 – LOST

Go Ahead Eagles v Jong PSV – Home win & BTTS @ 3.10 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 25th February:

Hoffenheim v Molde – Home win & BTTS @ 2.30 – LOST

Milan v Red Star Belgrade – Home win & BTTS @ 3.10 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 24th February:

Borussia Monchengladbach v Manchester City – Away win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

Tottenham v Wolfsberger – Home win & BTTS @ 2.62 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 23rd February:

Fortuna Koln v Homberg – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

Leeds v Southampton – Home win & BTTS @ 4.00 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 22nd February:

Club Brugge v Leuven – Home win & BTTS @ 2.60 – LOST

Jong Utrecht v Cambuur – Away win & BTTS @ 2.50 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 21st February: 6.30 DOUBLE WON!

Ajax v Sparta Rotterdam – Home win & BTTS @ 2.20 – WON

Admira v LASK – Away win & BTTS @ 2.87 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 20th February:

Lazio v Sampdoria – Home win & BTTS @ 3.60 – LOST

Eintracht Frankfurt v Bayern Munich – Away win & BTTS @ 2.62 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 19th February:

Jong Ajax v Cambuur – Away win & BTTS @ 2.50 – LOST

Dordrecht v NAC Breda – Away win & BTTS @ 2.62 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 18th February:

Molde v Hoffenheim – Away win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

Al Dhafra v Al Sharjah – Away win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 17th February:

Goa v Odisha – Home win & BTTS @ 3.00 – WON

Winterthur v Basel – Basel to win & BTTS @ 2.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 16th February:

Cambuur v Oss – Home win & BTTS @ 2.60 – LOST

Helmond v Almere – Away win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 14th February:

Cagliari v Atalanta – Away win & BTTS @ 2.60 – LOST

Silkeborg v Hvidovre – Home win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 13th February:

Borussia Dortmund v Hoffenheim – Home win & BTTS @ 2.50 – LOST

Tirol v Salzburg – Away win & BTTS @ 2.20 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 12th February: 9.30 DOUBLE WON!

Jong AZ v Jong Utrecht – Home win & BTTS @ 3.25 – WON

NAC Breda v Eindhoven – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 11th February:


Wolves v Southampton – Draw & BTTS @ 4.50 – LOST

Gent v Charleroi – Home win & BTTS @ 3.40 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 10th February:

Swansea v Manchester City – Away win & BTTS @ 3.00 – WON

Young Boys v Lausanne – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 9th February:

Al Nasr v Al Ittihad Kalba – Home win & BTTS @ 3.20 – LOST

Larne v Portadown – Home win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 8th February:

Malatya v Trabzon – Away win & BTTS @ 4.33 – LOST

Randers v Midtjylland – Away win & BTTS @ 3.75 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 7th February: 7.20 DOUBLE WON!

Betis v Barcelona – Away win & BTTS @ 2.60 – WON

Young Boys v Lausanne – Home win & BTTS @ 2.75 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 6th February:

Atalanta v Torino – Home win & BTTS @ 2.75 – LOST

Freiburg v Borussia Dortmund – Away win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 5th February:

Hertha v Bayern Munich – Away win & BTTS @ 2.30 – LOST

Sturm Graz v Rapid Vienna – Home win & BTTS @ 2.62 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 4th February:

Midtjylland v SonderjyskE – Home win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

Braga v Portimonense – Home win & BTTS @ 3.25 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 3rd February:

Leipzig v Bochum – Home win & BTTS @ 2.50 – LOST

Bari v Cavese – Home win & BTTS @ 3.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 2nd February:

Borussia Dortmund v Paderborn – Home win & BTTS @ 2.25 – LOST

Thun v Kriens – Home win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 1st February:

Hannover v Osnabruck – Home win & BTTS @ 3.50 – LOST

Real Betis v Osasuna – Home win & BTTS @ 4.00 – LOST

Can You Bet On Both Teams To Win

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What Are Both Teams To Score and Win Tips?

Both teams to score and win is one of the most popular football betting markets in the last couple of years. One of the main reasons for that are that odds are super-attractive while it also brings a lot of fun to players. Like the name suggests, you are predicting both teams to score at least one goal in the match, as well as the final outcome. For example, if you are betting on home win to win & BTTS (both teams to score) here are some of the results which would work for you: 2-1, 3-2, 4-1,5-1 etc. The formula for the away win is the same, while a lot of bookies nowadays also offer draw as the final outcome and both teams to score

BTTS & Win Acca – The Big Profit Accumulators

Here on our page you will find fresh both teams to score and win accumulators. All of them are thoroughly researched by our experts and they are free. Another term used for BTTS & Win Acca’s is goal rush accumulator, so don’t get confused with that. Profits with this market could indeed be very high. If we take the average odds of our trebles, it would be enough to successfully win only one per month and still be in the profit zone. Of course, you can pick only some of our suggestions and combine it with other free football tips in the other sections.

Best Strategy For Both teams To Score & Win Tips

It is really hard to say which approach is the best to this type of betting. In our experience, it is always a good idea to back the favourites against aggressive teams. For example, Celtic have very high chance to beat Hibernian nowadays, but attacking and efficiency is where the visitors are the strongest. The odds on Celtic to win the match and both teams to score are probably around 6/4, which is well worth a small stake and the risk.

There are a lot of other examples and leagues of course. Barcelona and Real Madrid matches on the road often end in their favour, but the nets do not remain intact. Teams like those usually secure a big lead 60 minutes in, which means their back lines become a little bit more comfortable and sloppy. Leagues with high number of goals are definitely best choice for BTTS & Win tips like Dutch Eredivisie, Swiss Super League, Sweden Allsvenskan or Denmark Super Liga.

If you feel it is hard to predict Both teams to score & winner, there is a decent alternative option. The odds on both teams to score & Over 2.5 goals are lower, but a lot safer option if you are convinced there will be goals in particular match.

Best Bookie for Both Teams To Score & Win Tips

Result & Both teams to score is the name of this market at PaddyPower. We recommend them because of many risk-free offers you can get. The first bet you make is returned in cash if it doesn’t land. Check it out HERE.

Check out our FREE Football Predictions

Like you probably noticed, there are a lot different sections for other betting markets on our site. You can browse all of them below!

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 1st November: 7.40 DOUBLE WON!

Emmen v Feyenoord – Away win & BTTS @ 2.87 – WON

Waasland-Beveren v Gent – Away win & BTTS @ 2.60 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 3rd November:

Dordrecht v Jong Utrecht – Away win & BTTS @ 3.40 – LOST

Salzburg v Bayern Munich – Away win & BTTS @ 2.00 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 4th November:

Club Brugge v Borussia Dortmund – Away win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

Zenit St. Petersburg v Lazio – Draw & BTTS @ 4.00 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 5th November: 8.20 DOUBLE WON!

Hapoel Beer Sheva v Bayer Leverkusen – Away win & BTTS @ 3.00 – WON

Ludogorets v Tottenham – Away win & BTTS @ 2.75 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 6th November:

Almere v Jong AZ – Home win & BTTS @ 2.30 – LOST

Fredericia v Viborg – Away win & BTTS @ 3.25 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 7th November:

Cambuur v Jong Ajax – Home win & BTTS @ 2.05 – LOST

Borussia Dortmund v Bayern Munich – Away win & BTTS @ 2.62 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 8th November:

Vitesse v Emmen – Home win & BTTS @ 2.75 – WON

LASK v Admira – Home win & BTTS @ 2.50 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 9th November:

Oxford City v Northampton – Away win & BTTS @ 3.00 – LOST

Eindhoven v Dordrecht – Home win & BTTS @ 2.30 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 10th November:

Port Vale v Liverpool U21 – Home win & BTTS @ 3.00 – WON

Burton Albion v Fulham U21 – Home win & BTTS @ 2.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 11th November:

Germany v Czech Republic – Home win & BTTS @ 2.62 – LOST

De Graafschap v NAC Breda – Home win & BTTS @ 3.50 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 12th November:

Kolding v Aarhus – Away win & BTTS @ 2.75 – LOST

Trinec v Vlasim – Home win & BTTS @ 4.00 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 13th November:

Can you bet on both teams to win super bowl

Can I Bet On Both Teams To Win Bet365

Viktoria Koln v Saarbrucken – Away win & BTTS @ 4.00 – LOST

Colombia v Uruguay – Draw & BTTS @ 4.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 14th November:

Inverness v East Fife – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

Hamilton v Albion Rovers – Home win & BTTS @ 2.50 – DID NOT PLAY

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 15th November:

Ullensaker/Kisa v Lillestrom – Away win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

Sandnes Ulf v Sogndal – Away win & BTTS @ 3.20 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 16th November:


Atletico Grau v Carlos Stein – Draw & BTTS @ 4.33 – LOST

Sport Huancayo v Deportivo Llacuabamba – Home win & BTTS @ 3.75 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 17th November:

Hull v Grimsby – Home win & BTTS @ 3.20 – LOST

Carlisle v Aston Villa U21 – Home win & BTTS @ 3.25 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 18th November:

Bristol Rovers v Chelsea U21 – Home win & BTTS @ 3.60 – WON

Borussia Monchengladbach II v Essen – Away win & BTTS @ 2.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 19th November:

Telstar v Dordrecht – Home win & BTTS @ 2.25 – LOST

Sollentuna v Djurgarden – Away win & BTTS @ 2.30 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 20th November:

Excelsior v Jong AZ – Home win & BTTS @ 2.75 – WON

Den Bosch v Jong Ajax – Away win & BTTS @ 2.62 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 21st November:

Oberhausen v Ahlen – Home win & BTTS @ 2.62 – LOST

Can You Bet On Both Teams To Win World Series

Spezia v Atalanta – Away win & BTTS @ 2.37 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 22nd November:

AZ Alkmaar v Emmen – Home win & BTTS @ 2.30 – LOST

Fortuna Sittard v Feyenoord – Away win & BTTS @ 2.62 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 23rd November:

Sollentuna v Vasalunds – Away win & BTTS @ 3.50 – LOST

Osnabruck v Nurnberg – Draw & BTTS @ 4.33 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Tuesday, 24th November:

Wehen v Meppen – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

Peterborough v Plymouth – Home win & BTTS @ 3.40 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Wednesday, 25th November:

Bayern Munich v Salzburg – Home win & BTTS @ 1.83 – WON

Liverpool v Atalanta – Home win & BTTS @ 2.75 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Thursday, 26th November: 5.50 DOUBLE WON!

Bayer Leverkusen v Hapoel Be’er Sheva – Home win & BTTS @ 2.40 – WON

Shabab Al Ahli Dubai v Ajman – Home win & BTTS @ 2.30 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Friday, 27th November:

Can You Bet On Both Teams To Win Prizes

Cambuur v Den Bosch – Home win & BTTS @ 2.10 – WON

Always Ready v Nacional Potosi – Home win & BTTS @ 2.62 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Saturday, 28th November: 5.70 DOUBLE WON!

Stuttgart v Bayern Munich – Away win & BTTS @ 2.00 – WON

TNS v Aberystwyth – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – WON

BTTS & Win Tips for Sunday, 29th November:

Wolfsberger v Ried – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

Hacken v Orebro – Home win & BTTS @ 2.87 – LOST

BTTS & Win Tips for Monday, 30th November:

Jong PSV v Cambuur – Away win & BTTS @ 2.30 – LOST

San Jose v The Strongest – Away win & BTTS @ 2.62 – LOST